Painted Miniature Gallery

Half Elf Sorcerer

This miniature is the Half-Elf Sorcerer from the Talos faction in Wizards of the Coast’s now defunct Chainmail game. They put out a plastic re-sculpt for their D&D Miniatures which looks similar, but this is one of the original metal versions. This miniature was originally painted to be used as a Zheol-Jhe in Misguided Games’ Children of the Sun RPG. He was a spear-wielding Kwai Chang Caine type of character – a healer/protector.


The flesh on this one was one of my first attempts at using the pinker of my two Vallejo skin recipes – Saddle Brown/Brown Rose/Medium Rose. It’s a little pinker than I prefer for typical flesh tones, but was what I was going for on this miniature.