Painted Miniature Gallery

High Elf Hero

This miniature is an out-of-print Games Workshop High Elf Hero that has had it’s headpiece trimmed down to look less phallic. I had originally purchased it for a specific conversion, but never had the time to start it. Instead a player picked this miniature out to use for his Children of the Sun character, so I painted it up for him.


Since this character, Va-Dar, is a Zhe-Breed, the skin was done in the same pinkish tones as the Half-Elf Sorcerer. The player wanted a black/grey/red color scheme since the character was more than a little roguish. I used a golden brown color for most of the leather items to give it a little contrast – a slight variation on the traditional gold/black combination. The deep red cloak was achieved using a dark maroon Delta Ceramcoat color, shading with dark brown and black, and highlighting with a little orange and a brighter red. As hard as it is to shade, I was rather happy with the result.

The paired swords were painted up in a Green Destiny-esque style upon request. The shading didn’t show up as well in the photograph since I kept them bright to represent highly polished steel.