Ah, the Carnivean. If not for the lack of opposable thumbs, he would overran the lowlands and rid Immoren of Everblight’s enemies long ago.
Make no mistake; she did a great job with the file. So good in fact that she decided to take it upon herself to give the Carnivean a manicure and sharpened his claws for him. It’s an interesting touch – one I wouldn’t have thought of and was glad she did, except she didn’t mention it to me at the time. At one point during assembly of the lower body I snatched the piece off of the table quickly to move it, and stuck myself (somewhat painfully) on its outstretched claw.
That’s when I realized that a hunk of pewter can qualify as ‘bloodthirsty.’ Fortunately primer and a few layers of paint have dulled the talons to a point where I shouldn’t have to worry about that again.
With its increased size came larger expanses of flesh that needed blending together. As a result the Carnivean wasn’t as simple to do as the Shredders – blending was a far slower and meticulous process. Upon completion I was initially concerned that there weren’t any stark highlights along his back half, but then I decided that was a good thing. It gave him a much smoother, sleeker look than if I had gone too far and had very prominent clear razor highlights on his musculature.
The Carnivean: massive, agile, and hungry. Gotta love him.
You must not have seen the MkII rules- they have opposable thumbs now (e.g.”claws.”) : )
Not back when the post was written in 2006. ๐