Painted Miniature Gallery

Nephilim Soldier

I tried something a little bit different with the Nephilim here compared with the rest of my early beasts. Instead of using a Sky Blue to highlight my Midnight Blue I use for a base coat I went with Rain Grey, hoping the result would be slightly more muted when compared with the Carnivean and the others. I think the experiment was a success, and the more detailed musculature on the Nephilim here really brought out the difference.

The other change I made was to the wing tips. On my Seraph and Harriers I painted the last joint of each wing to be exposed carapace. For the Nephilim I decided to carry the skin tone all the way up the model for a change and I think it’s a smoother look. I later used this look on my second Seraph and my Angelii.

Other than those changes everything else was done in the usual recipes I’ve developed up to this point. I really like this sculpt a lot and am pleased with the way it turned out.