Painted Miniature Gallery

Blighted Nyss Legionnaires

The Blighted Nyss Legionnaires are poster-children for how I grew unhappy with my Legion color scheme.  Technically speaking I was pleased with how my Legionnaires turned out.  But on the tabletop they just blended together in to a black and blue mass.  The color scheme – originally picked out to be cold and hard and evoke the Nyss’ wintery homeland – wound up just not lending itself to pop on the tabletop.

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By the time the Legionnaires were completed I had already painted Archers, Striders, Raptors, Swordsmen and a handful of solos in similar paint schemes.  On one hand I wished I had picked some different accent colors for my army but on the other hand I felt like I had to continue the scheme or else queue up repainting the entire army.