Doc is a fun character in the Iron Kindgoms/Warmachine world. ...
Blighted Nyss Legionnaires
The Blighted Nyss Legionnaires are poster-children for how I grew...
Eiryss, Angel of Retribution
As interesting as the scenic base the stock Epic Eiryss is...
Absylonia, the Terror of Everblight
Absylonia sports quite a bit of detail that takes painting...
Kaelyssa, Night’s Whisper
Of the two Retribution warcasters I've painted at this point,...
Garryth, Blade of Retribution
I purchased Kaelyssa and Garryth back when the Retribution of...
Blighted Ogrun Warmonger War Chiefs
Enough time had past since I painted my initial Warmongers...
High Executioner Servath Reznik
Reznik was the first model that the Protectorate has gotten...
Eiryss, Mage-Hunter of Ios (Alternate Sculpt)
This alternate sculpt of Eiryss, Mage-Hunter of Ios was available...